Sleep Training for Professionals

Our Sleep Update Days are designed to help those who are working in the world of peadiatric sleep remain up to date with the latest research, discuss complex cases, exchange ideas and meet other professionals working in the same field.
2025 date to be confirmed
Our Sleep Update Days are for professionals who have completed sleep training and are wanting to learn more about, and discuss, recent research, hot topics and complex case studies
To be confirmed once date are announced

“Does feeding babies solids before 6 months of age improve sleep”, and “are too many babies overfed”, and if so where does that leave parents?
Is ADHD just a sleep disorder?
Does a massaged-based bedtime routine improve sleep for babies/ children and mothers?
Maternal sleep positions in the final trimester and the increased risk of stillbirth
Using social media to promote your business.
Sleep, yoga and massage for all ages
Trends in melatonin prescribing.
Delaying the start of the school day for adolescents - separating the facts from fiction
How does thermoregulation in babies and children with complex needs affect sleep?
IT media use versus books at 3 years of age, how does it impact on sleep?
Can early sleep problems increase the risk of Chronic Fatigue in adolescence?
How does trauma affect sleep and how can it be managed
Sleep and COVID19
Parenting in the age of social media
How does dreaming affect reality and how does reality affect dreaming?
Should we follow France’s lead and teach sleep education to 8 year olds in school?
Can what we smell affect the content of our dreams?
Sleep regression - is it a thing?
What is the link between melatonin and colic?
Tears not fears - redefining crying
How sleep impacts on everyday emotions - what does recent research tells us?
The benefits of sleeping outside
Sleep and Ramadan
Sleep and obesity