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Jenni is one of our level six tutors.

Jenni has worked with children and families for the past 20 years, starting off her career as a pre-school practitioner and moving on to setting up and managing new pre-schools, nurseries and creches within children’s centres.

Jenni has also worked as a family learning tutor, writing and delivering accredited training courses and workshops on subjects such as weaning, sleep, behaviour management, developing confidence as a parent, safe and healthy baby and infant massage.

Jenni’s passion for sleep developed during her 4 years working as part of the Community Nursery Nurse, School Nursing and Health Visiting team.


Jenni joined an NHS Specialist multidisciplinary Paediatric Sleep Clinic in 2012, and worked as a Senior Specialist Paediatric Sleep Practitioner supporting families of children with additional and complex needs to overcome sleep problems, including children with ASD, ADHD and other neurodevelopmental conditions. 

Jenni is a member of the British Sleep Society and the International Paediatric Sleep Society

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